Cold Brew is a process of steeping grounds for 12-24 hours to fully extract all flavors. In doing this, the coffee is less acidic and bitter. The cold water does not change the chemical compounds in the coffee and leaves the bitterness and acidity behind. This is a method we love and it keeps in the fridge for up to 3 weeks.  

For equipment, there are many different ways you can make cold brew coffee. We prefer a mason jar, filtron, toddy, or using your French press. For steps below, we will be using the french press cold brew method.

You will need: French Press, Measuring Spoon, Stirring Utensil, Cold Filtered Water, and Fresh BOLD3 Coffee.

Brew ratio: 4:1 water to coffee

Brew time: 12-14 hours


1.) Grind approximately 1 cup of coffee to coarse grind (This is for a large press).

2.) Place coffee in french press

3.) Pour cold, filtered water into your French Press (about 4 cups, this is for a large French Press)

4.) Gently stir the grounds and coffee.

5.) Cover french press with plunger but don't press down (keep covered to avoid taking on flavors from other foods) and steep in fridge for 12-14 hours.

6.) Remove French Press from fridge and plunge the grounds, as you would with French Press method. 

7.) Pour the smooth coffee into a mason jar with ice or milk. To dilute, some prefer using 1 part coffee to 2 parts water ratio.

8.) Enjoy the smooth, cool, and bright flavor. Ahhh, heavenly. Praise Jesus!

EXTRA TIPS: For storing, we recommend pouring the finished brew into a large mason jar or glass container. If you prefer a stronger cold brew, increase the steep time.  

heavenly handcrafted coffee

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